Thursday, May 17, 2012

10. "Malabar Pied HornBill ( मलबारचा कवड्या धनेश )- Done

Malbar Pied HornBill-MaleapMalbon
Add capMMalBar Pied HornBill-Maletion

Common Name: Malabar Pied Horn Bill or Lesser Pied Horn Bill
Scientific Name:-Anthracoceros Coronatus.
Local Name:-मलबारचा कवड्या धनेश
Date Of Sighting:- 12-May-2012
Place of Sighting:- Near Chiplun- Konkan- Maharashtra  
State Bird:- Great HornBill is State Bird of Arunachal Pradesh and Kerla
Found in:- In 1783 in Malbar

Habitat, Region, and Climate:-
Found in Heavy Jungle and Restricted to Central and South India ( Kokan )

Feeding Habits ( food ):- 
1.This species is OmniVorous( eating both animal and Plant any thing ),taking fruit,fish,Small Mammals,Birds,small reptiles,Insects etc
2.Prey is Killed and Swallowed whole.
3.Figs form( Plant having Fruit ) an important part of their Diet and Contribute to 60 % in Non breeding season form March to April and up to During Breeding season 75 % fruits delivered at the nest are Figs.
4.They also feeds on the fruit including those that are known to be toxic to many vertebrates.
5.Fruits and Berrys and very fond of food Kuchla

Distinctive features:-
1.Black;beneath from the breast ,tips of primaries and secondaries , and the three outer tail-feather on each side ,with more or less of next pair ,pure white
2.Bill and part of casque are yellowish white.
3..Male and Female are same but female have white orbital Skin around eyes which is not their for Male.
4.Female is smaller than Male

Bird House and Nesting
During Incubation, the female lays two or three eggs in a tree hole,which is blocked off with a cement made of Mud ,dropping and fruit pulp.There is only one narrow aperture,just big enough for the Male to transfer food to the mother and the chicks.
When the chicks have grown too large for the Mother to fit in the nest with them, the mother breaks out and rebuilds the wall,after both parents feeds the chicks.

Genaral Size and Shape:- 

1.Lengh 3 feet:- Wing 13 Inches; ext.39 Inches;Tail 14 Inch; Bill from gape 7 Inches;bill with the casque    4 inch high.Casque it self 8

Egg :-From March to June Lays 2 to 4 Eggs

Importance of birds:- Hornbill are both fruit and fresh eater.They are far -ranging in their searh of food and drop the seeds of fruit they eat as they go,dispersing them over wide area.They are thus important seed dispersers for forest, acting as agent of forest regeneration,at the same tine as controlling insects and other small animal populations As such ,they can be regarded as indicator of high moist forest,ensuring the continuance of forest health and species richness.

Seed Disperdal Consist of the removal and deposition of seeds away from parent plant because of seeds are not mobile, their movements must be facilated by dispersal agents such as gavity, wind,,water or animal or forest bird which called Mobile Link species.Hornbill are capable of soaring over cleared forest areas or plantations,travelling from one forest patch to another to spread seeds

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