Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves
Birds are warm-blooded bipedal vertebrates that lay hard-shelled
eggs. They are characterized by bony beaks, hollow bones, feathers and
forelimbs modified as wings. In short, birds can be called Feathered Bipeds.
Since birds are warm-blooded, their body is covered with insulating feathers to
maintain an even temperature. Size of the birds can vary from the tiny
flowerpeckers & hummingbirds, to the huge Ostrich and the Sarus Crane. In
India, other than the Sarus Crane, the Himalayan Bearded Vulture or
Lammergeier is the biggest bird and the tiny Tickell's Flowerpecker is
hardly bigger than a human thumb. Most birds are capable of flight, but some
larger birds like Penguins, Ostrich and Kiwi are flightless. Depending on
different scientific classifications, as of today there are over 9000 bird
species (1250 in India), with almost 150 having become extinct after the arrival of Humans. The
Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy, based on extensive DNA-DNA hybridization, has
resulted in the Sibley- Monroe Checklist which has revolutionized the
whole system of bird Classification.
Birds have a keen eyesight and good hearing but their sense of
taste and smell is poor. Birds are generally diurnal (active
during the day), some are nocturnal (active during the night),
some crepuscular (active during twilight hours) and some
nocturnal & crepuscular both. Many birds migrate long distances with change
in seasons to maximize feeding hours and/or to breed in suitable
habitats.Arctic Terns migrate twice every year from Arctic to Antarctica
and back (over 15,000 km one way!). Some birds, like the Wandering Albatross, spend
most of their time at sea. Some, such as frigate Birds, stay aloft for
days at a time, even sleeping on the wing. The large variety of bird food
includes honey, nectar, seeds, grains, vegetable matter, insects, larva,
spiders, fish, molluscs, rodents, reptiles, small mammals, carrion or other
Beak Deformity
R:- Wide Spread Resident
r:-Very Spread Resident
W:-Wide Spread Winter Resident
w:-Spares Winter Visitors
P:-Wide Spread Migrant
p:-Sparse Migrant
?:-Status Uncertain
rl:-Introduced Resident
Beak Deformity
R:- Wide Spread Resident
r:-Very Spread Resident
W:-Wide Spread Winter Resident
w:-Spares Winter Visitors
P:-Wide Spread Migrant
p:-Sparse Migrant
?:-Status Uncertain
rl:-Introduced Resident