Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oriental Honey Buzzard

Common Name:  Oriental Honey Buzzard / Crested Honey Buzzard
Scientific Name:-
Local Name:-मधाळ गरुड
Date Of Sighting:- May-2013
Place of Sighting:- Tadoba/Chandrapur/Maharashtra
State Bird:-
Status:-Least Concern


Habitat, Region, and Climate:-


Feeding Habits ( food ):- 

Distinctive features:-
Bird Housing and Nesting
Survival,threats and danger:-
Kingfisher are very short lived.Many young will not have learned to fish by the time they are driven out of their parents territory.Its id thought that only a half of the fledglings survive more than a week or two.Although only a quarter survive to breed the following year,this is enough to maintain the population.Likewise,only a quarter of adult birds survive from one breeding season to the next.Very few bird live longer than one breeding season.The oldest bird on record was only 7.5 year.

Genaral Size and Shape:- 
1. Length :- 55 - 65 Cm.

Egg :-

Importance of birds:-

1.Kingfisher is at the end of the food chain and is thus exposed to any contamination which may affect the water from which is obtained its Prey.for e.g , a study on pied kingfisher revealed that spraying of Organochlorine insecticide endosulfan for controlling the tse tse fly,affected feeding rate of pied kingfisher
2.KingFisher is a key indicator of good water quality and healthy eco system.

Cold weather and flooding can make fishing difficult resulting in starving of th ebrood, while flooding can also claim many nest.Kingfisher are high up in food chain and therefore extremely vulnerable to build up of chemicals.Industrial pollution and contamination by agricultural run off kills the fish the bird rely on.
Human disturbance of nesting bird is serious problem .If human presence close to a nest prevents these shy birds from entering the nest for too long,the chicks may weaken enough ( either from cold or Hunger ) to stop calling.This makes the parents wrongly assume that they are well fed and will not feed them .As a result, the chicks perish.
Heavy machinery that grades the bank and drains the land destroys many nest each year on 
lowland rivers.persecution to satisfy fashion trends and to provide feathers to fishing flies seems to be well in the past.

An earlier posting reported on the 10-year breeding cycle of a pair of the Oriental Honey-buzzard (Pernis ptilorhyncus torquatus) in Perak, Malaysia.
The female was mainly involved in the incubation of the eggs, although the male occasionally helped. She sat quietly in the nest, with only the tail and occasionally the top of the head visible. A string of calls was often heard, presumably when she felt the presence of danger. This may be to alert her mate. Length of incubation was extimated as 42-47 days.
Once the chicks were hatched, the adults became protective. Most of the time an adult would be by the nest, either to keep off prey or to provide shelter from the sun or rain. The male would deliver the food and feed the chicks.
Larvae of bees (Apis cerana) and honeycombs were the favourite food brought to the chicks in the nest as well as the fledglings. Other food eaten by the adults and juveniles included a green tree snake, bird nestlings, and grubs taken off the bark of trees.
The honey-buzzard would typically stay on a high perch patiently waiting for a prey to appear. It would then zoomed in for the kill. It also made regular raids on beehives and bird nests.