Saturday, June 30, 2012

12. "Common Myna ( मैना, साळुंकी, शाळू)

ID:- Common or Indian Myna 

Date Of Sighting:-Any Time

Place of Sighting:- Thane- Maharashtra  


Status:-R:- Wide Spread Resident

Description :-

The Common Myna is readily identified by the brown body,Black hooded head and bare yellow patch behind eye.The Bill and legs are bright yellow.
There is white patch on outer primaries and the wings lining on the underside is white.The sexes are similar and birds are usually seen in pairs

In India,where the common Indian Myna originated ,it is called "Farmers Friend "Because it eats insects that destroy crop Plants.
The Name Myna comes from Hindi word" Maina"meaning a bird of starling family, sturnidae to which mynas comes from Hindi word .Myna in india regarded as symbol of undying Love,because they often pair for life 

Common Indian Myna were brought to Melbourne in 1862 to control pests in Market Garden

Common or Indian Myna ,identified by its yellow beak and eye patch and brown body is introduced as pest bird and their population is spreading rapidly.They are territorial and highly aggressive birds who compete with and displace native wildlife for habitat areas.They take over tree hollows and plugs up nest sites they are not using forcing possums and birds  out and ejecting nestlings and eggs from their nests.
They also compete with native fauna and habitat

Genaral Size and Shape:- 

Body Length:-23 cms

Average Weight ( gms ) :-Male:- 109.8 gms Female:- 120-138 gms.

Wing Chords ( mm ):- Male 138-153 Female:- 138-147

Bill ( mm ):- 25-30 Female- 25-28

Tarsus ( mm ) :- Male:- 34-42 Female:- 35-41

Tail ( mm ):- Male:- 81-95 Female:- 79-96

Breeding :-

Common Myna Begin nest building in late February and March.The nests in urban areas are often in houses or building,drain pipes on top of Windows.Twigs ,grass and leaves are used to build the nest,as well as string,paper and even snake skin. Snake Skin in draped around the nest to scare off enemies.Nests are sometimes build in tree,especially coconut tree and date palms.Both Male and Female Myna help  build the nest.When courting ,the male brings nesting material and places it in front of the female,who adds it to nest.Nest may be used more than one and new nest may be build on top of old ones.
Mynas are aggressive the defending their nest territory from other birds or predators.Egg lying takes place between march and July.Each nest has two to five egss,which are blue to blue green color.Both adults  take turns to incubate ot sit over eggs.The chicks hatch after 13 to 18 days.Theyare fed and brooded ( protected in the nest ) by both parents .They are fed insects and earth worms for the first ten to twelve days  and each chicks must be fed as often as 15 times every hour.At about one month of age the young bird ,called fledglings ,are able to fly and are ready to leave the nest.They spend another month with parents ,being fed occasionally and learning to feed themselves.


Common Myna is closely associated with human habitation.In the evening common mynas gather in large flocks to roost ,usually on banyan tree.Theri Noisy call continuous until dark.
They begin their  calling in the morning before dawn and stay in roosting tree for a time before they leave to begin feeding.

Feeding HAbits:-

Mynas feed in pairs or in small flocks.They are omnivorous feeders-They eat both plant and animal material.Besides eating insects and worms,they also eat fruits,grain,and food  scraps.

In India they eats insects that destroy crop plant.
Common mynas are accomplished scavengers,feeding on almost anything,including insects,fruits and vegetables,scraps,pets food and even fledgling sparrows.

Importance of the Birds:-

Myna can be used as Pest Control

Why Mynas are problem.:-

Common Indian Mynas can be an economic problem because they damage fruit and grain crops and their noise and smell can be annoying where they are large in Number.Mynas can also spread mites and they have the potential to spread disease to people and domestic animals.Mynas become quite fearless of people if they are not hassles and can be a problem in outdoor eating areas by stealing food of peoples plate.

Myna reduces biodiversity by fighting for hollows with native birds.destroying their eggs and chicks and stopping them breeding.Indian Mynas capable of evicting even large birds  such as kookaburras and Dollar Birds from their nests.They also evicts small mammals like sugar glider from hollows which commonly means death sentence for glider because they have no where else to go.

While common mynas is are very helpful in controlling insects,they do cause some problem.They damage crops,spread weeds and often spread mites ( tiny parasites ) to other birds and to homes where mynas nest.